Risk management is an opportunity to prevent risk emergence, as well
as to mitigate negative effects of different adverse situations. Weather risk
is related to physical phenomena which can influence performance of a company
and which cannot be controlled from company's side.
One of the industries which is mostly sensitive to weather activity
is the electrical power industry.
Basically the market of insurance of weather risk was initially established
for purposes of the electrical power industry. Presupposition for this
establishment appeared in the mid 90s when deregulation of the energy and urban
engineering industries took place. And later on the impetus for emergence of
this market was unusually warm winter 1997/98 which was caused by a natural
phenomenon of El Niño.
That winter many energy companies of North America experienced heavy
losses due to a sharp fall in energy consumption by urban and rural
populations. Since that time for insurance against risk of loss due to natural
variability of weather the instrument of weather futures has been created.
Nowadays for this purpose as basis asset the historical data on main
parameters (temperature, wind speed, precipitation) in a specified region is
applied. Modern technologies such as digital cloud storages and Big Data allow
storing huge array data structures and processing them quickly and provide easy
access to necessary information of any time period for any world point.