вторник, 11 октября 2016 г.

OpenWeatherMap presents the release of the VANE Language service

OpenWeatherMap presents the release of a new service the VANE Language (former imagery API) with examples: http://owm.io/vaneLanguage 
 Initially, we called it Imagery API but finally understood that this service is much bigger than just API calls. Language is a proper name for this service. It is like an SQL for satellite images. Something unique on the satellite market.The Language is entirely online service, there is no any manual procedures or presets like maps prepared in advance. One image that we receive from Landsat8 is not an image in common understanding but several layers that have to be processed and merged somehow before you can do anything with it. The weight of each unarchived number of bands is around 2 Gb, and obviously, it takes a lot of resources and time to process it. E.g to make a global map you need around 10,000 images that should be processed and merged. With VANE Language developer does not worry about time-costly pre-processing because we do it online immediately. We give him a powerful tool that is familiar to any developer and hides all complexity. In a short word VANE Language gives a full flexibility for a developer to do with images whatever they want and deploy result into applications. VANE also have a unique feature of configuring the formula of image processing. Means that developer can set up his logic of processing of the image to make specific vegetation indexes, false colors and any other images that he can use for analysis of objects, changes, yield health, etc.

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